Neil MacLean Camera Operator

Full information about Establishment Neil MacLean Camera Operator at 5/6 Valleyfield Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH3 9LP. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


5/6 Valleyfield Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH3 9LP
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Phone number:
+44 7912 103440



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Neil MacLean Camera Operator

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Neil MacLean. Camera Operator
I'm a freelance cameraman based in Edinburgh, Scotland. After spending over 3 years as a camera assistant and technician at Hammerhead Television (now Procam), I became freelance in 2004 and have since worked on productions for the BBC, Channel 4, Sky, BT Sport, ITV, TVNZ and others. I have a thorough knowledge of all theā€¦

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