Sketchy Beats Cafe

Full information about Establishment, food and cafe Sketchy Beats Cafe at 208 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH6 5LW. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


208 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH6 5LW
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Phone number:
+44 7902 440917


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Sketchy Beats Cafe

Reviews about Sketchy Beats Cafe

  • elle durnan
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Where can I start? This place should be pumped into a "field spraying airplane" (albeit very much bigger :-D) and a little mist of "Sketchy Wonder" sprayed over every city on this benign green and blue benefactor, Planet Earth. [ba bap bap ba bap, ba bap bap ba bap] I have played quite a few time in front of people, sometimes lots but I have never felt how I did playing with dudes in Sketchy Beats.

    Nights itinerary thus:
    Enter, looks bohemian and warm, people of all description (nice), mellow. The night: Played harp with enthusiastic and awesome drummer, bassist and rapper in what turned out to be quite a psychedelic rhythm for our rapping bud. Spontaneous liberating constraint free playing - loved it! The place seemed to be happy.
    Downstairs, spoke with so many amazing characters, musicians and enthusiasts. Happiness is Elle shaped.
    Upstairs - and see my bestie playing Page's lines in Rock n Roll by Led Zeppelin and smiled. I saw a mic and as no one had taken to vocal duties picked it up and duly obliged. People liked that jam a lot! Hung out chatted, drank thirstily with my bestie from BYOB flagon of alcofrills. What a magical world behind an innocuous city street shop like exterior in Leith, Edinburgh!
    So very much more I could wax lyrical about, including the awesome lady and gent who created this gem and especially the drummer and bassist I played Kashmir with. Thank You for sharing your discovery GL!

    I hope to broadcast a show live from Sketchy Beats soon for radio.

    Making art is mind expanding by any set of values, so those with motivation to create a scene similar and the wherewithal to do it, I implore you to visit this space.

    DJ[LMD] 40footholestudioRadio
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